I went to Serangan Island, Bali again after several days break. There were some ‘pilots’ still flying their small scale aircrafts such as helicopter and the fixed wing. Actually, the wind blew very strongly in this island and almost all parts of Bali. It seemed that only kites could be flown nicely.
As the beginner in aeromodelling, I worried about flying the small scale aircraft with strong wind. It needed a particular skill to handle the remote control in order to make the aircraft stable and safe on the air.
One of the scale model flew above Serangan successfully. It was about 20 to 50 meters high above the sea level. It maneuvered to the right and left very fast. It also made rolling and looping maneuver. Nice looking aircraft.
Denpasar, August 11, 2008
7 komentar:
Wah duh ke Bali terus ... saya aja yang orang bali jarang-jarang ke Bali.
Bos ... coba cek http://sepedakudibantaeng.blogspot.com
Kebetulan aja masih ada urusan di Bali. Sebenarnya di Bali sejak bulan Januari dan programnya berakhir awal September nanti.
Wah..blog sepedanya mantap.
Seandainya jarak Bantaeng Watampone dekat, saya ingin gabung di situ....
Nih...foto saya di Denpasar.
Rupanya banyak juga "pilot" yang hoby sepedahan .... diDenpasar sepedahan dengan siapa?
Tapi kalo udah ke Lapangan Renon, ketemu teman baru sepedahan....
Biasa juga sekali-kali ke Serangan, kalo ada 'pesawat' yang jatuh, sepedanya dipakai malakukan P3K.
Sepedanya di sewa KNKT untuk mencari kotak hitan (Receiver) dan kotak biru (servo) ....
repot toh bli??
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