I’ve been flying “the foamy” for the 7th times in South Celebes. My last flying was in Stadion La Patau Watampone. It was a comfortable place for flying a small scale aircraft especially for park flyer or slow flyer aircrafts. I usually flying it in early morning and in the late afternoon. The wind always blew smoothly, hence I’ve got a good chance flying it.
However, It was hard to take off from the field because of the grass covered the whole sports ground. “The foamy” could fly by hand launching then fly on the sky nicely. I really enjoyed flying it when I controlled the radio and the aircraft nearly reached me. The aircraft could turn on the left and right or up and down above the stadium easily.
On the other hand, I noticed that this ‘aircraft’ had get trouble on its electric engine three times. The first problem happened when I was flying it for the first time. The aircraft crashed landing in banana’s plant. Fortunately, the fuselage and wingspan were OK but the electric engine had gotten big trouble in its bolt position. I tried to fix it by changing the bold position. It looked work well afterward I felt satisfied after ‘the foamy’ flying again smoothly. The second problem, two bolts in the electric engine were missing when the aircraft was flying but I substitute with similar ones. Finally, the wire in electric engine was broken. I tried to fix by reconnect the broken wire again. I checked to make sure that it worked. I felt satisfied because "the foamy" could fly nicely again.
Watampone, June 23 2008