He seemed lost something in his eldery age. However, his feeling still younger than his real age of 60's. His friends and relatives usually called him as Om Leo. He has a high spirit playing aeromodelling. Om Leo has forgotten some aero techniques and aircraft maneuvers on the air so he just saw Pak Hari flying his electric glider. Om Leo has been absent for about 15 years in aeromodelling. That's why he asked some questions about aeromodelling to Pak Hari,who has been a Bali aeromodeling creator, enthusiastically.
Aeromodeling doesn't belong to certain age but also it can be done by all level of ages. Not only children can enjoy it but also adult or even grandfather. Someone get satisfaction on this hobby when his aircraft airborned and the 'pilot' could drive his aircraft as he like. The 'pilot' can make manoeuvrings, rolls, or other aero techniques. However, it can become terrible thing when the aircraft crashed. The problem had arisen since some people justified that this hobby is still expensive. That is slightly true because some aircraft materials such as fuel, receiver, radio, servo, and engines are expensive. Moreover, these materials were imported from Japan Europe, and America. In contrast, there also inexpensive ones depend on the quality of aircraft materials. Generally, the cheapest ones were imported from China.
May be if some one who want to try this hobby it is wisely to think that the enjoyments doing aero is the most valuable rather than thinking about the price.
Denpasar, June 9, 2008
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