This is my first handmade small scale aircraft. It made of polyfoam which has light in weight and easy to be cut. It has 100 cm wingspan long, 80 cm fuselage, and only 440 grams weight. This aircraft powered by Tower Pro Brushless motor with 2 cells battery. I also put the Electronic Speed Control 18 ampere to control propeller rapidity.

The first flying was in
My transmitter was 7 channels but I only used three cannels; throttle, elevator, and aileron. The receiver mode was only PPM so I shouldn’t have flown the aircraft far away from me. Nevertheless, I flew it about 400 meters away from me. The PPM receiver wasn’t able to receive signals from my transmitter. The aircraft lost of control and felt down into the lagoon side.
Denpasar, June 3 2008
2 komentar:
Cara bikin pesawat dari styrofoam yang tanpa mesin/bahan bakar gimana, mas?
mas saya juga suku buat pesat dari styrofoam, menggunakan elektrik, pernah juga nyoba pake engine dan sukses terbang tetapi sayang struktur kurang kuat. biar kuat pake gimana ya mas.... trus mas foam cetak atau foam potong?
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